Book direct for the best online prices
Book direct for the best online prices
The terms below apply to your booking if you book from 25th April 2023.
What these terms cover: when you make a booking with us via our digital channels (such as our website, mobile site these terms and conditions will apply. You will see your booking referred to as a
1. Please follow the directions on the website, mobile site or as advised to you on our telephone booking service to make a booking.
3. We will issue you with a confirmation number when a booking has been made. The confirmation number is proof that we have accepted your booking.
4 You are responsible for ensuring that each person who stays at the hotel under your booking, even if you make a booking for someone else’s benefit and don’t stay yourself, complies with these terms.
5. You must be aged 18 years or over to make a booking with us and you must be aged 18 years or over to stay alone. If a guest arrives at the hotel and is under 18 years of age the guest will not be permitted to stay alone. We may require photo identification (a driver’s licence or passport) as proof of age and if the guest is unable to present this to the satisfaction of the hotel we may terminate your booking without refund.
1. All payments are due in full at the time of booking unless you are otherwise advised by us.
2. VAT. Room rates, as published on our website, are inclusive of VAT, unless we state otherwise. If your payment is not due in full at the time of booking and the rate of VAT changes between the date of your booking and the date of payment, we will be entitled to charge you (i) an additional amount to reflect any increased rate of VAT at the date of payment, or (ii) the same amount regardless of any reduced rate of VAT.
4 Any bookings made through our reservations centre will be subject to an additional, non-refundable, booking fee.
Cancelling a Flexible Rate Booking
1. Flexible Rate bookings are refundable if cancelled prior to 5 days of arrival ,after this time frame you will not receive a refund
16. Where a refund is payable in accordance with these terms, we will only make refunds in full and to the payment card that you used to make the booking. If you cancel your booking before you check in in accordance with these terms we will normally credit refunds within 10 days of cancellation. If you shorten your booking during your stay in accordance with these terms we will normally credit refunds within 10 days of the last day of the original booking. If you are an individual consumer, your statutory rights are unaffected. You can find out more about your statutory rights by contacting the Citizens Advice Bureau or going to
no pets allowed